Together, we can shape impactful policies, making our voices a force for change.

Thank you for your advocacy! We asked for your help to pass the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act (NPEPA) and the CurePSP community came through! NPEPA, now known as the Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton Plan to End Parkinson’s Act, passed the House in December 2023 and the Senate in May 2024 after a groundswell of support from the movement disorders community.

The CurePSP community sent over 2,200 letters to their members of Congress, participated in multiple meetings with key congressional staff and spread the word about the bill to their networks. With the passage of this bill and the incredible work of Representative Jennifer Wexton of Virginia, who lives with the diagnosis of PSP, there has never been more awareness about PSP and other Parkinsonian diseases. For more information about the bill, click here.

CurePSP will track the work that is done as a result of this bill and will continue to build on the momentum of our community’s advocacy around NPEPA. Watch this space, our social media and newsletters for updates!

Take Our Advocacy Survey!

Tell us: What policies and government advocacy do you want CurePSP to work on in the United States?

As CurePSP grows our advocacy initiatives in the U.S., we are eager to hear directly from our community. Your feedback will help us prioritize what legislative issues to focus on under the three pillars of our mission: care, consciousness, and cure and will guide us as we craft CurePSP's first-ever public policy and legislative advocacy agenda.

Please take this brief, anonymous survey – thank you!

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