Completed Research Grants

Dr. Mark Cooper, Institute of Neurology, Dept of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, University College London, London, England

The Influence of TRIM11on Tau, Aggregation, Release and Propagation

Dr. Todd J. Cohen, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC

Uncovering Unique Tau Profiles That Distinguish PSP From Other Tauopathies

Dr. Lukasz Joachimiak, Center for Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Diseases, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX

Structural Basis for Tau Strain Conformation in CBD and PSP

Dr. Geidy E. Serrano, Banner Sun Health Research Institute, Sun City, AZ

Single-Whole-Cell Characterization in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Dr. Kenneth Matthew Scaglione, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Duke University, Durham, NC

Small Molecule Regulation of a Protein Quality Control E3 to Treat PSP

Dr. Tsuneya Ikezu, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA

Evaluation of STX6 silencing on the novel AAV-based PSP mouse model

Dr. Lars Ittner, University of New South Wales, Australia

Defining a Novel Drug Target for PSP and CBD

Dr. John W. Steele, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA

iCRISPRi in Human Neurons and Glia to Elucidate Selective Turnover of Tau

Dr. Jori Fleisher, Rush University, Chicago, IL

Care Where it Counts; Support to Reduce Isolation and Ensure Well-Being for Patients and Caregivers

Dr. Michelle S. Troche, Columbia University, New York, NY

The Stephen N. Jasperson Study: Developing Treatments for Swallowing and Communication Deficits in PSP

Dr. Edward A. Burton, University of Pittsburgh, PA

Functional Evaluation of PSP GWAS Genes in a Tauopathy Model In-Vivo

Dr. Xiaobo Mao, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

The Role of TTR1 in Mediating Tau Spread In-Vitro and In-Vivo

Dr. Thomas Koeglsperger, Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE), Munich, Germany

Investigating the Role of Syntaxin 6 (STX6) for Tau Protein Cell-to-Cell Transmission

Dr. Monica Y. Sanchez-Contreras, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

The Sarah Boone Nesbitt Study: Oxidative damage and gene deregulation in PSP and related disorders

Dr. Kathryn Bowles, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY

Understanding MAPT Sub-Haplotypes and Alternative Splicing

Dr. Natura Myeku, Columbia University, New York, NY

Testing Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors for Treatment of Tauopathy Disorders

Dr. Haung (Ho) Yu, Columbia University, New York, NY

The Stephen N. Jasperson Study: Small Molecule Activators of Phospholipase D and Tau Clearance via Autophagic Flux

Dr. Gal Bitan, University of California Los Angeles, CA

Small-Molecule Modulation of Tau Clearance and Aggregation

Dr. Stewart Clark, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY

The Establishment of a Preclinical Model for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy

Dr. Edwin Jabbari, Department of Clinical and Movement Neurosciences, University College London Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London, UK

2016Consensus conference for the revision of the diagnostic criteria of PSPDr.GuenterHoeglingerKlinikum rechts der Isar der TU Muenchen, Munich, Germany
2014Elucidating PSP Genotype-Phenotype Relationships Using Human Isogenic iPSCsDr.JohnSteeleUniversity of California, San Diego, CA
2014Synaptic Tau-Proteasome Dysfunction and a Potential Therapeutic StrategyDr.NaturaMyekuColumbia University, New York, NY
2013Epigenetic Modifications in PSPDr.UlrichMuellerUniversity of Giessen, Germany
2014Spreading of a Synuclein Pathology in Multiple System AtrophyDr.JohannesBrettschneiderUniversity of Ulm, Germany
2014Selective Cell Vulnerability in MSADr.EduardoBenarochMayo Clinic , Jacksonville, FL
2013Urso Student FellowshipMr.JohnTitusDuke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
2013The Role of O-Linked Protein Glycosylation in the Spread of Tau PathologyDr.ChristophWiessnerAsceneuron SA, Switzerland
2013Altering Tau Splicing for PSP and Other 4R TauopathiesDr.MichaelWolfeHarvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2013Follow-Up Genotyping & Functional Analysis of PSP H1 Haplotype VariantsDr.PauPastorFoundation for Applied Medical Research, Pamplona, Spain
2013Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic , Jacksonville, FL
2013Urso Student FellowshipMrs.EmilyBeiserRutger University, New Brunswick, NJ
2013Mechanisms and Therapy for Tauopathy based on RNA Binding ProteinsDr.BenjaminWolozinBoston University, Boston, MA
2013Tau Dimerization: A Mechanism of Tau Function and Dysfunction?Dr.StuartFeinstein University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
2012PSP Whole Exome Study Phase TwoDr.GeradSchellenberg University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2012Splice Variant Markers for PSPDr.JudithPotashkinRosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
2012Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic , Jacksonville, FL
2012Tracking Progressive Neurodegeneration in PSP Using Diffusion Tensor MRI Dr.MassimoFilippiVita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy
2012Identifying Functional Genetic Risk Factors for PSP by RNA-seqDr.NiluferErtekin-Taner Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2012Gene Expression and Neuropathology Endophenotypes for Gene Discovery in PSPDr.NiluferErtekin-Taner Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2012Mechanisms of Tau and ER Stress for Novel PSP and CBD TherapeuticsDr.JoseAbisambra University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2012An Exploratory, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Study to the AL-108-231 of Davunetide for the Treatment of Non-PSP Predicted Tauopathies: CBD, Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia and FTD with Parkinsonism Linked to Chromosome 17Dr.AdamBoxer University of California, San Francisco, CA
2012PSP Whole Exome Study Dr.GerardSchellenberg University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2011Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2011Models to Determine the Toxicity of Tau AggregatesDr.Chris GamblinUniversity of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
2011Evaluating Reduced Tau Levels as a Therapy for PSP and CBDDr.TimothyMillerWashington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
2011Epigenetic Modifications in PSPDr.UlrichMuellerUniversity Hospital Giessen & Marburg, Giessen, Germany
2011CHIP-Mediated Regulation of Hsp90 High Affinity ComplexDr.LeonardPetrucelliMayo Clinic, College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL         
2011Manipulating the Substrate Specificity Program in the Chaperone System to remove Tau in PSP and CBDDr.ChadDickey University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2010A Pilot Clinical Trial of NAP (AL-108) for CBD and Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration with Predicted CBD PathologyDr.AdamBoxerRegents of the University of California, San Francisco, CA
2010Pathogenetic Mechanisms of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal DegenerationDr.GerardSchellenbergUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2010PSP/CBD Genome-Wide Association Analysis follow-up and replicationDr.GerardSchellenbergUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2010Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2010Tau and its Pathology in Neurons derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells of FTDP-17T Patients with PSP-Like Tau PathologyDr.MariaSpillantini University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
2010Autophagic Modulation and Clearance of Tau AggregatesDr.HoYuColumbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
2009Modeling Haplotype-Specific Gene Function at the MAPT Locus in 4R TauopathyDr.RichardWade-MartinsUniversity of Oxford, Oxford, UK
2009Inhibition of Tau Pathology in Transgenic Mouse Models with an Optimized Orally Active Tau Kinase InhibitorDr.HannoRoderTauTaTis, Inc, Jacksonville, FL
2009MicroRNA Regulation of MAPT in CBD and Related Tauopathies Dr.RosaRademakersMayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL
2009Structural Polymorphism of Tau Filaments in CBDDr.MartinMargittaiUniversity of Denver, Denver, CO
2009Comparative Proteomics of CBD & PSP Brain to Identify BiomakersDr.Shu-Hui YenMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2009Development of Activators of Puromycin Sensitive Aminopeptidase to Treat CBDDr.StanislavKarstenLos Angeles Biomedical Research Institute, Torrance, CA
2009Tau-Mediated Effects Upon Microtubule Structure and Kinesin TranslocationDr.StuartFeinsteinRegents of the University of California, Santa Barbara, CA
2009In Vivo Identification of Pharmacological Treatments for TauopathyDr.MelFeanyBrigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
2009HSP-Peptide Complex Mediated Immunization in a Mouse Model of TauopathyDr.MichaelDeTureMayo Clinic Jacksonville, FL
2009Genomewide Identification of Transregulators of Tau Gene Expression & SplicingDr.RohandeSilvaInstitute of Neurology, UCL,  Queen Square, London
2009A Pilot Clinical Trial of NAP (AL-108) for CBD and Frontotemporal Lobor Degeneration with Predicted CBD PathologyDr.AdamBoxerRegents of the University of California, San Francisco, CA
2009Polyphenols from Grape Seeds as a Potential Therapeutic Agent in TaupathiesDr.GiulioPasinettiMount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
2009The Effects of CBD-Associated Tau Gene H1 Haplotype on Tau ExpressionDr.HanaDawsonDuke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
2009Targeting Hsp70 as a Therapeutic Strategy for CBD and Other TaupathiesDr.ChadDickeyUniversity of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2009The Role of Microglial-Meditated Neuroinflamation in Fronto-Temporal Dementia Tau PathologyDr.KiranBhaskarCleveland Clinic, Clevelnd, OH
2009Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2008Unilateral Pedunculopontine Deep Brain Stimulation in PSPDr.ElenaMoroUniversity of Toronto, Toronto, ON
2008Noninvasive Cortical Stimulation for Motor and Non-Motor Features of PSP and CBDDr.AlanWuUniversity of California, Los Angeles, CA 
2008Toward a Molecular Understanding of Tau MisfoldingDr.MartinMargittaiUniversity of Denver, Denver, CO
2008Phenotypic Characterization of Tauopathy ZebrafishDr.EdwardBurtonUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, PA
2008Mapping Progressive Neurodegeneration in PSP using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and CSF-TauDr.DavidWilliamsMonash University, Australia
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.RohandeSilvaInstitute of Neurology, UCL,  Queen Square, London
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.UlrichMüllerUniversity Hospital, Giessen, Germany
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.HankHakonarsonCenter for Applied Genomics, Philadelphia, PA
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.BernieDevlinUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, PA
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.GerardSchellenbergGeriatric Research Education and Clinical Center, Seattle, WA
2007Longitudinal Prospective PSP StudyDr.IreneLitvanUniversity of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Louisville, KY
2007Haplotype regulation of alternative splicing at the MAPT locusDr.RichardWade-MartinsUniversity of Oxford, United Kingdom
2007Unraveling Multi-Protein Chaperone Complexes in PSP and other TauopathiesDr.ChadDickeyUniversity of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2007Genome-Wide Association Study in PSPDr.UlrichMullerUniversity Hospital, Giessen, Germany
2007Inhibition of Tau Pathology in Transgenic Mouse Models with an Optimized Orally Active Tau Kinase InhibitorDr.Hanno RoderMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2007Strength Training Patients with PSP for DysphagiaDr.ChristineSapienzaUniversity of Florida, Gainesville, FL
2007Tau Aggregation in Oligodendrocytes and the Role of Thrombin SignalingDr.ChristineRichter-LandsbergUniversity of Oldenburg, Germany
2006Parkin and Tau Mutational Effects on Tangle Formation in PSPDr.ParvonehNavasUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
2006Finemapping of Risk Loci for PSP Identified in a Genome-Wide ScanDr.MichaelHuttonMayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL
2006Interaction of Neuronal and Glial Tau in a Drosophila Model of TauopathyDr.MelFeanyBrigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
2006Hypothesis- Driven Gene Profiling in an Animal Model of PSPDr.RonaldKleinLSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA
2006Studies of PSA Neuroprotective Role Using Transgenic Mouse ModelsDr.StanislavKarstenUniversity of California, Los Angeles, CA
2005AKT-Dependent Signaling in PSP and Transgenic Mouse Model of TauopathyDr.HannaKsiezak-RedingMount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
2005Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2005Inhibiting Transglutaminase Splice Variants for Treatment of PSPDr.NancyMumaLoyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
2005Do PSP Associated TAU Polymorphisms Alter the Expression of the TAU Microtubule Binding DomainDr.HanaDawsonDuke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
2005Effect of Coenzyme Q10 in PSP: A Randomized, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled, Double Blind StudyDr.DianaApetauerovaLahey Clinic, Burlington, MA
2005Proteomics Analysis of a Novel Murine Model of Astrocytic Tau Pathology in PSPDr.MarkFormanUniversity of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
2005A Zebrafish Model of TauopathyDr.Edward BurtonUniversity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
2004PSP and a Failing Ubiquitin-Proteasome SystemDr.FWvan LeeuwenNetherlands Institute for Brain Research, The Netherlands
2004Identification of Compounds that Modulate Exon 10 Splicing in the Tau GeneDr.JianhuaZhouUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
2004Proteomis Analysis of Post Mortem PSP BrainDr.BenoitGiassonUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
2004Heat Shock Proteins as Inhibitors of Tau Aggregation in OligodendrocytesDr.ChristineRichter-LandsbergUniversity of Oldenburg, Germany
2004Proteomic Analysis of a Transgenic Mouse Model of TauopathyDr.Shu-Hui YenMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2004Assessment of Tau Protein Isoform profiles in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Tauopathy Patients as a Potential Diagnostic BiomarkerDr.Rohande Silva,University College London, London, UK
2001Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2003Parkin Mutations in a Mouse Model of PSPDr.ParvonehNavasUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
2003Correlation of Clinical Severity, Brain Inflammatory Changes & Apparent Water Diffusion Coefficients in PSP & Idiopathic Parkinson’s DiseaseDr.DavidBrooksImperial College School of Medicine London, UK
2003Discovery of Tau Phosphorylation Inhibitors for the Treatment of PSPDr.KennethKosikBrigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
2003Cystamine, a Transglutaminase Inhibitor, for the Treatment of Tauopathies, Especially in PSPDr.NancyMumaUniversity of Washington,  Seattle, WA
2003Formation Filamentous Tau Inclusions in Human Cells with Inducible Expression of Tau ProteinsDr.Shu-Hui YenMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2003Refining the Genetic and Functional Role of the Tau H1 Haplotype in NeurodegenerationDr.MattFarrerMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2003Aging Effects and Gene Therapy in a Novel Nigrostriatal Degeneration ModelDr.RonaldKleinLSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA
2003Development and Characterization of a Novel Experimental Model of PSPDr.EtienneHirschSalpetriere, Hospital de la, Paris, France
2003Genetic Analysis of 17q21 Region Sporadic TauopathiesDr.AlisonGoateWashington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
2003Hyperphosphorylation, Tau Filaments and Neurodegeneration in a Transgenic Mouse Model of a Human TauopathyDr.MariaSpillantiniUniversity of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
2003Identification of Cis-Elements that Regulate Exon 10 Splicing in the Tau GeneDr.JianhuaZhouUniversity of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA
2003mRNA Profiling in the Postmortem PSP Brain: Target IdentificationDr.SarahAugoodMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
2003Diagnostic Protein Biomarker Discovery in PSPDr.LapHoUniversity of Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
2002A Novel Approach for Neuroprotection in PSPDr.IreneLitvanHenry M. Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD
2002Efficacy of Environmental on a Mouse Models of TauopathyDr.JadaLewisMayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL
2002The Relationship of Guamanian Pigmentary Retinopathy to ALS/PDC of GuamDr.JohnSteeleTamuning, Guam
2002Prehistory of PSP: Bibliographic Search and CopyingDr.AdolfoBrusaOspedalia Galliera, Italy
2002Cross-Linking of Tau in PSP NeurofibrillaryDr.NancyMumaLoyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
2002Characterization of Tau Auto-Antibodies in PSPDr.JamesTetrudThe Parkinson’s Institute, Research and Treatment Center, CA
2002Screening of Tau Mutation in a Unique PSP FamilyDr.RongChenThe Parkinson’s Institute, Basic Research, Sunnyvale, CA
2002Analysis of the 17q21 Region in PSP, Tau Gene Analysis in Parkin’s Disease Dementia and in other Atypical ParkinsonimsDr.EduardoTolosaNeurology Service, Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
2002Cortial and Striatal Cholinergic Receptor Subtypes in PSP, Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia with Lewy BodiesDr.DavidBurnNewcastle General Hospital, Regional Neuroscience Centre, UK
2002Glial Tau Aggregates in PSP and Human Cultured CellsDr.HannaKsiezak-RedingMount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
2002Development of a Measure of Health-Related Quality of Life PSPDr.AnetteSchragUniversity College London, London, UK
2006Eloise H. Troxel Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
2001Finding the Cause and Effect of a Bioenergetic Defect in PSPDr.DavidAlbersCornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, NY
2001Interaction of Parkin Protein with Abnormal TauDr.PaulFishmanUniversity of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2001Characterization of the Molecular Mechanisms Leading to PSPDr.JustoGarcia de YebenesFundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain
2000Regulation of Human Tau Gene Expression and it’s Role in PSPDr.JaneWuWashington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
2001Tau Auto-Antibody Production in PSPDr.JamesTetrudThe Parkinson’s Institute, Research and Treatment Center, , CA
2001Mechanisms Regulating Neurofibrillary Tangle Formation in PSPDr.NancyMumaUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA
2001Comparison of Region Specific MRNA Expression Profiles of PSP Brains with those of Alzheimer, FTDP-17, Pick Disease & Non Affected Brains, using DNA Microarray TechnologyDr.VincenzoBonifatiErasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
2001mRNA Profiling in the Postmortem PSP Brain: Identifying Abnormal Signaling PathwaysDr.SarahAugood,Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
2001Dopa-resistant Parkinsonism in Guadeloupe: Evaluation of Isoquinolines Derivates and Acetogenines Toxicity in RatsDr.DominiqueCaparros-LefebvreUniversity Hospital, Guadeloupe, France
2000Effect of Lipoperxidation on cdk5 Activity and Tau Protein Aggregation: A Model of PSP PathogenesisDr.MassimoTabatonUniversity of Genova, Department of Neurosciences, Italy
2000Are Matrix Metalloproteinases Involved in the Pathogenesis of PSP?Dr.DavidAlbersCornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, NY
2001Regulation of Human Tau Gene Expression and it’s Role in PSPDr.JaneWuWashington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO
2000Environmental Factors and Detoxification Mechanisms in PSPDr.RosemaryWaringThe University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
1999Mutational Analysis of the Tau Gene in PSPDr.JosephHigginsNew York State Dept. of Health, New York, NY
1999Ultrastructural and Biochemical Hetergeneity of Paired Helical Filaments in PSPDr.HannaKsiezak-RedingMount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY
1999Are Impairments of Energy Metabolism Contributory in PSP?Dr.FlintBeal, M. Flint, MDCornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, NY
1999Activity and Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes in the PSP BrainDr.SarahAugoodMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
1999Problems of Cell Death in PSPDr.KurtJellingerUniversity of Vienna School of Medicine, Austria
1999Identification of the PSP GeneDr.ParvonehNavasUniversity of Washington, Seattle, WA
1999Role of the Thalmus in PSP and Parkinson’s DiseaseDr.JasmineHendersonPrince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Randwick, Australia
1999Is Brain Oxidative Stress & Damage Characteristic of PSP?Dr.StephenKishCentre for Addiction & Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada
1999Mechanisms of Neurofibrillary Tangle Formation in PSPDr.NancyMumaLoyola University Chicago, Maywood, IL
1999Synaptic Protein Loss and Alterations in Growth Inhibitory Factors as a Biological Foundation of Behavioural Changes & Cognitive Decline in PSPDr.ElizabethMukaetova-LadinskaUniversity of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
1998Neuropathological Grading Scale for PSPDr.MarkBecherUniversity of New Mexico, Health Science Center, Albuquerque, NM
1998Neuroanatomical Basis for PSP Eyelid Motor DysfunctionDr.MarkLeDouxUniversity of Tennessee, Memphis, TN
1998Mitochondria in PSPDr.RussellSwerdlowUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA
1998Tau Gene Mutations in PSPDr.JosephHigginsLaboratory of Clinical Neurogenetics, Wadsworth Center, Albany, NY
1998Oxidative Mechanisms in PSPDr.DavidAlbersMassachusetts General Hospital, Neurology Dept., Boston, MA
1998Molecular Studies of the Tau Gene in PSPDr.WilliamJohnsonRobert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ
1998Potential Role of Mitochondrial Defects in PSPDr.FlintBealCornell University, Weill Medical College, New York, NY
1998Trial of Donepezil HCL in PSP PatientsDr.IreneLitvanHenry M. Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD
1998Establishment of a PSP Brain BankDr.DennisDicksonMayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL
1997Haplotype Relative Risk Analysis in PSPDr.LawrenceGolbeRobert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, NJ
1997The History of PSPDr.AdolfoBrusaCorso A. Saffi, Genoa, Italy
1997Reaction Time and Acoustic Startle in Patients with PSP, Multi-System Atrophy, Barcelona and Parkinson’s DiseaseDr.JosepValls-SoleHospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain
1997Linkage Analysis in Familial PSP (To Perform Linkage Analysis in a Large Spanish Family with PSP)Dr.JustoGarcia de YebenesUniversidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
1997Ferritin is Associated with the Aberant Tau Filaments Present in PSPDr.JesusAvilaCentro De Biologica Molecular, Madrid, Spain
1997Genetics and Environmental Studies of Bodig and Lytico in Villages of Southern GuamDr.JohnSteeleTamuning, Guam 
1997Presence and Amount of Glycation & Oxidation Markers in PSPDr.MassimoTabatonUniversity of Genova, Italy