Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton Unveils AI-Generated Voice, Inspiring New Possibilities for PSP Community

Jul 12, 2024 Oscar Sullivan

Rep. Jennifer Wexton cried happy tears when she first heard her new — old — AI voice. She unveiled the new technology on Wednesday through a post on the social media site “X,” sharing how the tool has empowered her to continue living her life and doing the job that she loves. It is a groundbreaking development as she says that progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) has “robbed” her of her “full voice,” with this technology restoring a sense of normalcy to her life.

Wexton continues to be a staunch advocate for disability awareness, a public example of someone whose words remain as valuable as they have always been no matter her appearance. She made headlines in May when she gave a speech on the House floor via a text-to-speech app, a glimpse of the potential that this technology had to improve speech accessibility. This latest voice is an upgrade over that initial tool, a less robotic and seemingly human-sounding voice made from a collection of old speeches. Both Wexton and the CurePSP team look forward to the proliferation of this tool in the hopes of assisting many other families within the CurePSP network.

“AI technology can be a scary new frontier, especially if used in the wrong ways by people with malicious intentions,” Rep. Wexton said in a post on the social media site “X.” “But it can also provide new, unimaginable and life-changing opportunities for Americans with disabilities.”