Recognition Wall
Welcome to our Recognition Wall, a wall of plaques in honor or in memory of your loved ones.
If you wish to dedicate a plaque simply contact Rich Spain at 347-326-1689 or, and provide us the information you want on the plaque. (Plaques require a minimum donation of $250 per year to remain.) If you have already paid for a plaque and do not see it here, please inform Rich at the email address above.
In Memory of Edward O'Hara, 2011
BackDearly Missed, Christmas 2016
BackIn Memory of Florette Lawson, Mother's Day 2007
BackIn Memory of Joyce Deacon, Mother's Day 2013
BackIn Memory of Marvalyn F. Strohsahl, Mother's Day 2009
BackIn Memory of Diego Rodenas, Father's Day 2011
BackIn Memory of Arthur Goldberg, Father's Day 2008
Charles D. Peebler
In Memory of Warren H. Newell, Memorial Day 2008
BackIn Memory of Jerome Trotta, Father's Day 2005
BackIn Memory of Timothy L. McCrimmon, Father's Day 2007
Carlton Salnoske

Thomas DeBone
In Memory of Thomas DeBone, Father's Day 2014
BackIn Memory of Aida Incolla, 2009
BackIn Memory of Leora M. Beal, Mother's Day 2010
BackIn Memory of Calvin Kuter, Father's Day 2005
BackIn Memory of Nancy Roach, Mother's Day 2012
BackIn Memory of Dennis Wesolek, Father's Day 2006
BackIn Memory of Chester Dorn, Father's Day 2004
Penny Timms Coda
Mother’s Day 2024
BackHonoring Kathy Derby Sturdivant. Dearly missed everyday. 709 2024
BackIn Memory of Cipriano’s 1st anniversary
BackIn Loving Memory of Raymond J. Scott
BackForever in Our Hearts
BackForever in Our Hearts
BackGone But Never Forgotten
BackIN Loving Memory of Diane Arnita Cash
BackIn Loving Memory of Steve Howe
BackA Loving Spouse, Wonderful Father and Grandfather, Teacher of Hundreds.
BackIn Loving Memory of Alfred Gardner
BackIn Loving Memory of Laurence S. Braude MD, FACS, FRCS(C)
BackIn Loving Memory of Kathleen F. Krek
BackIn Loving Memory of Wilfredo de la Rosa
BackIn Memory of Ronald Breton 1945-2023
BackIn Loving Memory of Freida M. Khammar
BackIn Loving Memory of Dale Perry
BackIn Loving Memory of Kathleen Dreyer, Forever in Our Hearts
BackIn Memory of Theresa Twellman 1961-2016
BackIn Memory of Arun Kumar
BackIn Memory of Dr. Robert H. Wakefield Jr.
BackAlways Loved, Never Forgotten. She Lived Life Her Way
BackLoving Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Daughter, Niece, Sister, Aunt, Cousin and Friend.
BackIn Loving Memory of My Wife, Barbara Jean Molohon